Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Visit to Emily's Bridge After Hours

The June 30th blog post was a trip which included a drive through the reportedly haunted, Emily’s bridge. (http://vermontcoveredbridges.blogspot.com/2013/06/emilys-bridge-really-haunted.html

We got together with several of our friends a couple of weeks ago and picked a date to revisit Emily’s Bridge, AFTER DARK. Our plan was for midnight, but when all was said and done we headed out at 10pm.  We loaded up our two vehicles and headed up the mountain towards the bridge, it was a clear moonlight night. As we crested the last little rise we caught sight of the bridge. To our surprise, there was an illumination blasting out of the south entrance of the bridge which was lighting up the whole corner off Depot Street. What the heck?  Emily, putting on a show?!

Slowly both vehicles kept traveling past the entrance of the bridge, hoping that the Stowe Policeman, who was now apparently responsible for the light, did not notice us. We stopped at the top of the next hill for a quick conference and realized; it being a Saturday night nearing the end of summer, the youth might be coming out to play! We took a roundabout way home and came at Emily’s Bridge from the other direction, finding the same officer sitting in the parking area, spot light aglow, patiently waiting for the evening to unfold. (Nan thought he was playing Candy Crush.) As we did not want to be included in his plans, both vehicles passed slowly through the bridge. We made our way from whence we started and called it an evening. First attempt: no luck.

You can learn more about Emily’s Bridge at https://www.facebook.com/EmilysBridgeVT and the story of the bridge at http://www.emilysbridge.com/. Happy hunting, if you are up for it!  Dan

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